My very last post… New blogs are coming soon!

9 Sep

You probably already noticed, but I haven’t posted anything on this blog for a while.

I first started blogging about a month ago, knowing nothing about web hosting,technical side of WordPress, or whatnot. Then I realized that there was only so much I could do with a free WordPress blog.

Soon after my second post on this blog, I started reading articles and tutorials to teach myself about basic things I should know in order to successfully run self-hosted WordPress blogs.

Now I’m somewhat familiar with basic web hosting, etc. — not familiar enough to make living as a web developer but familiar enough to create self-hosted blogs myself. I plan to create three blogs in near future:

1. an art blog where I will be sharing freebies, tutorials, resources, etc. that I want to share with fellow artists all over the world.
2. a personal blog where I will be posting about stuff that doesn’t really belong on my art blog.
3. an online portfolio powered by WordPress

I’ve been having fun learning about a lot of new things during the last few weeks. I hope you are as excited as I am about the new blogs that will be up and running soon.

Now, I will say “good-bye” to This will probably be my very last post here.

If you would like to know when my new blogs are up and running…all you need to do is follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

See you guys soon!

Amazing Painting Technique by Alexa Meade

16 Aug

“Alexa Meade is a 23 year old installation artist in Washington, DC. She has innovated a painting technique that can perceptually transform three dimensional space into a two dimensional plane.”

The way Alexa turns “a three-dimensional space into two-dimensional plane” is just wonderful and unique! I was perplexed when I first saw her artwork online because what I was seeing seemed to be both three-dimensional and two-dimensional. I read more about her and visited her Flickr page that has more pictures of her paintings and her creative process. Then I finally understood what I was seeing.

You can view more of her artwork on her online portfolio and Flickr page.

I Finally Got My Sketchbook!

13 Aug

I signed up for The Sketchbook Project 2011 Tour about a week ago, and I finally got my sketchbook yesterday. This is my very first time participating in The Sketchbook Project, and I am so excited!

Starting in December 2010, I will be able to login and choose to receive e-mail or text message notifications every time my sketchbook is viewed both on the tour and at the Brooklyn Art Library. I will also be able to fill out an artist bio that will be included inside of the pocket of my sketchbook. What a great of way of letting the world know that I exist!

My sketchbook must be postmarked by January 15th, 2011…which means I have about five months to complete my sketchbook. That is more than enough time to play around and have fun with my sketchbook. I will definitely write another post once I finish decorating the cover of my sketchbook.

I can’t wait to see my sketchbook go on the 2011 national tour and share my drawing with people all over the country!

The Sketchbook Project 2011 Tour is one of the “massive, international art projects” created by Art House Co-Op. I plan to keep participating in more projects by Art House Co-Op as long as they exist! Why don’t you go check out their website and join me?!

The Sketchbook Project

5 Aug

The Sketchbook Project: 2011

When I’m not at work, I like to spend my time with my dog Dax, family, and friends. Instead of grabbing a sketchbook and start doodling, I find myself reading books, watching Netflix movies, and doing other things that aren’t really related to art. Not that it’s wrong to have fun. I just find myself spending very little time on drawing, and I’m starting to feel a bit rusty now.

I used to draw a lot — almost every day — when I was younger. Drawing and coloring was more fun than anything else. However, now I’ve been finding it not so easy to keep pushing myself to draw as often as I should as an artist.

I’ve tried many times to put myself back on track, but my trying to draw more often would never last more than 1-2 weeks. I guess as I got older, I kind of lost the passion and motivation I used to have as a teenager…and I want them back!

I came across The Sketchbook Project today. I remember hearing about this from my former co-worker a few months ago, but I never really read about it til today. After finding more about it, I finally bought a sketchbook to participate in The Sketchbook Project! I know it will be fun and rewarding! This will give me a good reason to push myself to draw more often.

Why don’t you read more about The Sketchbook Project and participate? It will be a good experience for any artist! Lots of people all over the country will get to see your artwork, and you will get to indirectly introduce yourself to the world!

The theme I chose is “Help!”. Which theme did you choose for your sketchbook?

By the way, I’ve never really used a blog til now. I would read many of other artists’ blogs every week but never had my own. I thought, “who would come to my blog and read posts?”. I honestly still say the same thing to myself…but well, who cares? Does it really matter if only a handful of people cared to read my posts? Probably NOT!

This is my very first blog post ever, so please bear with me. I’m still learning how to customize widgets, appearance, and whatnot.